Foundational Skills in Life Sciences

45. Let’s read the Abstract of a paper written by Nobel Laureates (mini-series: reading-26)

Dr. Synaptologica Episode 45

Today, we will take a significant step towards understanding the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. We will read the Abstract of the Laureates’ most important paper that led to the Nobel Prize. This is the paper that we call the milestone article 1.   

We will have two essential pre-reading sub-steps, and then we will conduct the initial readings. These sub-steps will set the stage for a more in-depth exploration in the next episode.   

Here are two sets of links mentioned in this episode. All are related to the Laureates, Dr. Katalin Karikó & Dr. Drew Weissman of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2023.   

YouTube video of Nobel announcement (starting at ~2 minutes and 20 seconds)

Milestone Article 1: Immunity, 2005

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